Um manifesto para que a ONU reconheça a mobilidade ativa como relevante no combate ao aquecimento global



Na semana passada, Aline Cavalcante, d’oGangorra e ex-diretora da Ciclocidade, reuniu-se com a secretária executiva da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas (UNFCCC), Patrícia Espinosa. Na bagagem, um manifesto para que a ONU reconheça a mobilidade por bicicletas e a pé como uma forma relevante de redução de emissões de gases estufa nas grandes cidades.

“Ao aumentar as emissões de gases estufa mais rápido do que qualquer outro setor, o transporte já responde por 22% das emissões relacionadas ao setor de Energia. Parece um consenso que o transporte deva ser incluído nas ações climáticas para que consigamos estabilizar o aumento da temperatura em 2ºC.

Embora o reconhecimento da importância do transporte como forma de combater as mudanças climáticas durante a COP21 em Paria não tenha precedentes (…) focar em combustível e eficiência automotiva não é suficiente. Países e cidades devem ampliar dramaticamente suas estratégias para reduzir emissões e a mobilidade ativa – pedestres e ciclistas – precisa começar a ser incluída nos planos nacionais para o clima”

Assinam o manifesto, além da Ciclocidade, Aliança Bike, Bike Anjo, Cidadeapé​, Cidade Ativa, Climax Brasil, Corrida Amiga, Desvelocidades.red, Engajamundo, Fundación Pensar, Global Cities Covenant on Climate, ITDP​ – Instituto de Políticas de Transporte & Desenvolvimento, Marcelo Ebrard (ex-Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México 2006-12), Martha Delgado (líder ambientalista de México), Movimiento Progresista Asociacion Civil, oGangorra, Open Knowledge Brasil, Rede Social Brasileira de Cidades Justas, Democráticas e Sustentáveis, SampaPé!, Transporte Ativo e UCB​ – União dos Ciclistas do Brasil.

Leia o relato publicado pela UCB: http://www.uniaodeciclistas.org.br/noticias/bicieaonu/

Leia o manifesto na íntegra abaixo.




It’s time for action: Focus on walking and cycling as relevant, pacific, human and zero-emission means of transportation

A manifest for recognizing active mobility (pedestrians and cyclists)
as a valid and essential mean of reducing mobility emissions
in all countries and cities of the world


Since transport is present in every part of our lives, it plays a critical and fundamental role in the efforts to mitigate global warming, to collaborate with quality of life and people’s health.

By increasing emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) at faster rates than in any other sector, transport already responds to 22 percent of energy-related emissions, according International Energy Agency. It seems consensual that the sector has to be included in the climate actions in order to achieve the international agreement to stabilize global warming at 2 degree Celsius.

Although the recognition of the importance of transport as a means to fight climate change at COP21 in Paris is unprecedented, with more than half of the national plans containing specific transport-related mitigation measures, many nations still focus on fuel and vehicle efficiency as solutions.

Focusing on fuel and vehicle efficiency is not enough. Countries and cities need to dramatically increase and diversify their strategies to reduce emissions and the active mobility – walking and cycling – must start being included in the national plans for the climate.

Active mobility is a relevant, pacific, human and zero-emission ally in the fight against global warming and also modern diseases such as obesity, stress and respiratory issues. In major urban cities where walking and cycling are recognized as official means of transportation, they can account for 20 to 60 percent of the daily trips. In the transport sector, it is also a faster and simpler way to achieve immediate and great results for our societies.

This manifest, signed by different social movements in Latin America, asks for:

  • Global guidelines for and specific presence of active mobility in all Nationally Determined Contribution – NDC;
  • The establishment of a specific Working Group on Urban Mobility within the UNFCCC, that not only includes environment experts, but also civil society, urbanists and social sciences experts in order to understand the inequalities in the access to public and semi public spaces and the differences of people’s transit patterns;
  • Absolute focus on low emissions means of transport/mobility, encouraging politicians, managers, city technicians in instrumentalizing and pressing cities to shift trips to low carbon modes (e.g. walking and cycling);
  • Clear commitments and immediate policies to reduce speed limits on urban areas and build an adequate infrastructure for walking and cycling, considering social inclusion and public spaces democratization;
  • Clear commitments and immediate policies to fight and eradicate underling causes that limit people’s active mobility: all types of violence and discrimination. A part of physical violence, it is urgent to address gender violence, institutional violence, racism, LGBTIQphobia, ethnic or religion based violence, among others;
  • Encourage nations to strong commitments on strengthening full access to bicycles, prioritizing low carbon economies, in order to increase use and access to affordable and good quality bicycles as a tool for change.

These commitments aim at:

  • Saving lives;
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (harmful local pollutants emissions to human and animal health), safer streets, better air quality and more vibrant public spaces consequently;
  • Making cities to be less car dependent and car oriented;
  • Reducing social spatial mismatches;
  • Ensuring that streets and public spaces are safer and greener; more comfortable for women, children and elder people; and in favor of socially invisibles like people with disabilities or mobility restrictions and garbage collectors;
  • Promote climate justice, ensuring that the investments and public policies in active mobility incorporate the perspective of equality, and follows the Agenda 2030 principle of “leaving no one behind”;
  • Showing and inspiring new ways of living and moving for all.

Transport projects/politics can contribute to progress and metrics for the social development and climate goals at once. Our challenges are too great to solve one at a time. A focus on walking, cycling, public transit, and transit-oriented development in international, national and local plans will have the biggest effect on reducing emissions efficiently and quickly, and will yield massive financial benefits as well.

The Paris Agreement brought the world together and put the civil society also connected.

Now, to assure a vibrant future, it is time to plan and, above all, to act!

All together.

Signataires of this manifest:

Aliança Bike
Bike Anjo
Ciclocidade – Associação dos Ciclistas Urbanos de São Paulo
Cidadeapé – Associação pela Mobilida a Pé em São Paulo
Cidade Ativa
Climax Brasil
Corrida Amiga
Fundación Pensar
Global Cities Covenant on Climate
ITDP – Instituto de Políticas de Transporte & Desenvolvimento
Marcelo Ebrard (ex-Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México 2006-12)
Martha Delgado (líder ambientalista de México)
Movimiento Progresista Asociacion Civil
Open Knowledge Brasil
Rede Social Brasileira de Cidades Justas, Democráticas e Sustentáveis
Transporte Ativo
UCB – União dos Ciclistas do Brasil




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